Realmz requires a Macintosh capable of at least 256 Colors 5 Meg free RAM minimum and a display capable of 640 x 480 resolution or better. It does NOT work with the old Apple 12" monitors or some laptop monitors that have a display resolution less than 640 x 480 in size.
Realmz will not run off a CD ROM. If you are playing Realmz from a CD ROM you need to copy it to your hard drive or it may give you errors.
You will also need 800K of hard disk space for temporary files during game play. This space will be returned to you when you quit Realmz. If you encounter an error during the start of a new game, check to make sure you have at least 800K of hard disk space free.
Each saved game will also require from 300 - 800K of hard drive space depending on the size of the scenario.
Troubleshooting Realmz
1) May not work with 100% compatibility on all 660AVs, 840AVs or the Mac IIcx in the shop screen. You may want to select the option, "Fast Trade/Buy/Sell" in the preferences if you experience crashes in this area. This may help avoid the problem on these systems.
2) The sound may breakup or sound scratchy from time to time. This is not a serious problem. If you allocate more memory to Realmz it should help eliminate the problem.
3) The absolute minimum memory for Realmz is 5 MEG Ram. The more you give it, the better it will run. 10 MEG Ram should be enough to maximize the performance. If you start to experience portions of the screen which do not refresh, or have problems with letters not showing up, this may be a sign that you need to allocate more memory to Realmz in the Finder's info box. Some screen refresh problems can be solved by selecting REFRESH SCREEN from the preferences menu.
4) Global Village modems seem to give Realmz fits. Don't know why. If you experience random computer freezes or difficulty in launching Realmz, try disabling your modem extensions etc.
5) If you find that your menus all turn black, you might be able to fix the problem by turning on the option "Black & White" menus in the preferences. That may fix the problem. This can happen if you have NOW MENUS installed as well.
6) If the game locks up when you run Realmz or quits right away, try holding the OPTION key when you launch Realmz. This will disable some of the checking it does on video hardware and bypass the screen fade. This may get it to work with your display. If you are using an external display on your PowerBook, #7 below may apply to you as well.
7) If you are using a PowerBook with an external display and the game does not launch, try making the external monitor the startup monitor using the MONITORS control panel. In addition, turn ON video mirroring. Also, #6 above will almost certainly apply if you are using your PowerBook display.
These are the known or suspected problems/solutions with Realmz. Realmz is a large undertaking for a one-man operation, but I labor on. Please let me know of any bugs you find as that is often the only way it will ever get fixed.